The We Carry Kevan (WCK) backpack carrier device [] is designed for individuals with a disability to go where wheelchairs cannot with the help of friends and family
In August 2023, Rory McDevitt and his family climbed to the summit of the highest mountain in Co Donegal, Mt Errigal with the help of his WCK backpack to fundraise for Little Blue Heroes
The McDevitt family have two WCK backpacks available to hire for families giving children with disabilities the opportunity to explore the Donegal countryside in new and exciting ways.Take a look here at the features of the WCK backpack. Available to hire are:
1. WCK backpack with full neck support
2. WCK backpack without neck support, with sun canopy
The backpack carriers are available for collection in the Gweedore area - they are free to hire but must be booked in advance by emailing